Step 1
First you must get your API key from MailChimp. Go to your account details, select Extras, and API keys.
Step 2
If you don’t already have an API Key listed, click Create a Key. Otherwise, highlight and copy your API Key.
Step 3
In Front Desk, go to the MailChimp tab in System Information. Tick Enable MailChimp Integration and paste your MailChimp API Key. Then click Connect to MailChimp.
Step 4
If successful, the following message will be displayed.
Step 5
The details of your account will be displayed to you, along with your MailChimp lists. If you have not yet created a list, please do so now.
By default, archived patients will be excluded from the MailChimp sync, but if you want to include them, untick Exclude Archived Patients. Select your list, and click Sync.
Step 6
Click Yes to the confirmation message that will be displayed.
Step 7
If your client list is large, a progress will be displayed, which can be cancelled at any time. If you decide to cancel, the sync can be resumed later.
Step 8
Once complete, the results of the sync will be displayed. This lists successful additions, along with any errors that have occurred. Click Close.
Step 9
Your list Members should have been updated to reflect your new list size. The Last Sync date will also have been updated.